Product description Christmas is a magical time, but everyone loves different things about the festive season. Some people find the magical song of a Christmas Caroller a wonder to behold, whereas others would rather do the washing up than listen to one note! Of all the wonderful characters, experiences and joys of the season which are your favourites? This game sets out to find the answer! The game is simple…everyone must choose one of the options presented on the card – no matter how unpleasant, implausible or ridiculous the choice may be! The twenty beautifully designed cards offer a great way to connect a group of all ages and enjoy understanding everyone’s perfect – or worst ever - Christmas! How to play:1.Hand out the playing cards so they are distributed around the group 2.First person reads out the either-or option on the card 3.Go around the group with everyone saying their choice and explaining why 4.Roar with laughter at people’s choices! 5.Play then passes to the next person who reads out their card. Continue until all the cards have been completedExamples from the game cards:Would you rather be...At home for Christmas with lots of presentsORin Disneyland for Christmas but not get any presents?Would you rather have...tinsel for hairORfairy lights for fingers?All content is original and created by Hannah at Hannah's Games THIS ITEM IS NOT A TOY Legal Disclaimer THIS IS NOT A TOY Not suitable for children under 14 years. For use under adult supervision. To used under the direct supervision of an adult
3 weeks ago
3 days ago