Washing Machine BearingsWashing machine bearings are bound to fail eventually if you keep your machine for more years than you intended. Because many new washing machines still cost hundreds of dollars, most people keep their machines for a long time, and bearings are sure to fall apart after daily use. The sure sign your washing machine bearings need replacing is when the machine starts making strange noises.Signs That You Need New Washing Machine BearingsNoise During the Spin CycleAfter a number of years of washing machine spin cycles, the bearings in the drum are eventually going to wear out. You can tell this immediately when you hear noise emanating from the drum during the spin process.While you may think this is just a normal sign of age in your machine, it pays to check it out so you know what's really needed. You can do this by doing a quick inspection of the drum. More precisely, check the inner drum to see how much it moves in relation to the outer drum.If you notice movement of the inner drum going beyond a couple of millimeters, there isn't a question your drum bearings need replacing.Other Signs You Should Replace Your BearingsOne sign you probably weren't aware of on worn bearings is getting oil stains on your clothes after every washing cycle. This is a sure sign your main seal on the bearings is also worn. Despite being a separate part to replace, you're better off replacing the bearings as well since they could collapse.It's important to remember to put the right seal around each bearing as well. The wrong seal could end up leaking water on the new bearings, hence causing part failure once again.
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