Box contents: 1 x basket in = 1 Piece, universal to use, quick, clean Degreaser secure once very quickly and leaves no oily film, strong Lösungseffekt materials, does not belong Verarbeitungsvorteile: quickly and safely removes tar oils, fats, Silicone Putty, adhesives, corrosion, etc., quicker applicable to plastics, metal, glass and Painted surfaces, etc., also suitable for Acrylic Dish-purpose: Ideal for preliminary purification step of areas with Beko products, such as Allcon 10 Tackcon Allbond, Fluid, glued, etc. for the removal of impurities from fresh Glue Adhesive (10, Allcon Tackcon Allbond Fluid), for removing Klebstoffresten by Protectors and labels easily removes Dichtmittelreste in the car and heating and plumbing area Cleaning Tool ends may be used (e.g. When Schrumpfmuffenmontage). Not for Leather, freshly Painted surfaces and fade-resistant textiles! Manufacturer: Beko Allclean: Model name: 2661205000 Manufacturer item number: 2661205000 contents: 142065.23 fl oz (5000 ml) tariff quota number: 39053000 country: DE Reachkennzeichen: N license: Abacus N Artikelklasse solvent:
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago