Vacuum trap,also called cold trap,is a device to condense vapors into a liquid or solid. It usually consists of two parts,the top is a adapter with standard taper inner joint and two connections with joints or hoses,the connection attaching the schlenlk line has an extended tube.The connection at the other direction is connecting to the vacuum pump. The bottom part is a thick wall round bottom tube with outer ground joint to assemble the two parts together.The extended tube is reached more than half the length of the tube. It is used to place between the experimental apparatus and the vacuum source to protect the vacuum pump,pump oil,pump pipe from contamination and the potentially damaging effects of the material,protect people who must work on the vacuum lines,prevent vapors from being emitted back into the reaction system. In a schlenk line,the vacuum trap is usually connected to the vacuum bank of the vacuum gas manifold,if possible,a second vaccum trap is applied between the schlenk line and vacuum pump for best results, one to collect bulk solvent and the other strictly to protect the pump.
2 months ago
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