Model Name: Compatible Replacement for HP 934 and 935 Ink Cartridges( NON-OEM) Ink Color:1 Black,1 Cyan,1 Magenta,1 Yellow Cartridge Capacity: Black: 53ml,Cyan, Magenta, Yellow: 16ml. Compatible with: Pro 6830, OfficeJet Pro 6230, OfficeJet Pro 6815, OfficeJet Pro 6812, OfficeJet Pro 6835, OfficeJet Pro 6820. Product Advantages ♦ Disposable Cartridges with New Accessories. ♦ High Ink Capacity,Ultra-high Capacity Chip Count. ♦ Superior Quality Dye Ink.Smooth printing and No Plugging Nozzle. ♦ High Stability,Strictly Tested Before Delivery.A real money saver. √ [Installation]: ♦ Confirming your Printer Model before placing order. ♦ Tearing off the orange piece which covers the cartridge`s air hole before you install. ♦ Taking off the protecting cover carefully,then install them into printer.(It's best to wear gloves, as there is a bit of excess ink trapped in the cap). √ [NOTE]: ♦ The computer would appear error, please click "OK" continuously, then the printer can go on to print. ♦ After new cartridges installed, if blending color happens, just clean the print head one time, then it will work fine. ♦ If the inks do not recognize your print at the first time ,please take them off and install again. hp officejet pro 6830 printer ink cartridges hp 6830 hp officejet pro 6835 printer ink cartridges hp printer cartridge 935xl officejet pro 6830 e-all-in-one cartridges hp ink 935 and 934 cmyimage hp 935 color ink cartridges hp printer ink 935 xl hp replacement ink office jet 6812 hp 934 and 935 ink cartridges ink cartridges hp 934 935 combo 935xl ink cartridges for hp printers hp officejet printer ink 935xl hp officejet 6812 ink cartridges hp 6830 ink cartridge hp officejet pro 6830 ink cartridges hp officejet pro 6830 printer ink cartridges
3 days ago
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